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  • The flagship major in the journalism kingdom

    In the wave of studying in the UK in recent years, media has gradually become a popular major, and more and more Chinese students have begun to change their majors and apply for British media majors...

  • Paris Ninth University

    Founded in 1968 on the former site of the NATO office in Paris, the University of Daufina-Paris 9 has enjoyed innovation in teaching content and pedagogy since its establishment...

  • Master of English Teaching, University of Leicester

    The University of Leicester is a university with a long history, founded in 1921, and its taught postgraduate courses are now at the leading level in the UK。于1957...

  • Paris X University

    The University of Paris X (Universite Paris-Nanterre) is a prestigious public comprehensive university in France。The Scientific Branch of the University of Paris X is located in VILLE D '...

  • Master of Architecture, University of Liverpool

    The University of Liverpool, founded in 1881 and granted a royal Charter in 1903, is a prestigious full-time comprehensive public university in the United Kingdom and a member of the Russell League...

  • University of Paris XI

    Universite Paris XI, a world-renowned university, was founded in 1970 and developed on the basis of the former Faculty of Science of the University of Paris, which includes science, engineering, information and science...

  • Master of Industrial Design, Loughborough University

    The history of Loughborough University can be traced back to the establishment of Loughborough College in 1909。It was promoted to university in 1966 and now has more than 12,000 full-time students...

  • University of Paris XII

    The Universite Paris XII Val de Marne (Universite Paris XII Val de Marne) is one of the 13 new universities of Paris established in the 1960s and is located in Credaie, southeast of Paris....